ben boyarko
Here's the Thing
I'm... to put it delicately...
Not Good
at updating the website. For one, I hate modern graphic design standards, and the concept of taking up anyone's Time and Attention (more on that later).
Also... um... reasons.
Like being lazy. And not caring about my public presence. And... you know... the rest of life still happening.
Offer's up for grabs while supplies last.
You paypal me $2 and write your mailing address in the message-
I mail you a random sticker that I made.
Can't believe it... 1 taker so far?
Board Games: Games for Virtual Teams
is a book of 6 original teambuilding games,
all of which can be played over video chats.
There are a few games in here that are very brief conversation games, to more complicated ones with pages that you rip out of the book or print off.
This was, like, a project for my undergrad program that happened right at the start of the pandemic. It's up on the internet. I don't know if you even can get any use out of it or not... It's pretty silly.
And my old "new" comic is up at Patreon, just in case you want me to keep doing more of that enough to throw some loose change in the hat. And they're all over reddit too, i guess, if you just want to see them. Your loss either way...
and here's a picture of a sad deformed bunny thing that i like.
just... non sequitur.